Monday, July 02, 2007

Uncle Sam: Share 7 Covey Habits To Improve Your Effectiveness.

Hi All, I would like to share this 7 Covey Habits with you, which have successfully help many people for the past 20 years to become highly effective in their personnal & working life. Below are the habits;

1st Habit: Be Proactive - 3 characteristics
I am responsible for my behavior and choices I make in life.
- I can expand my personal freedom and influence through being proactive.

- Response according to good value.
i. Eg. Reactive people allow outside influences (moods, feeling, circumstances) to control their responses. Spontanous Response Without Thinking. Someone raise his voice, you reacted by scolding back.
ii. But, Proactive people use the margin of freedom to choose according to good values prior responding. (Think First Prior Responding Hastily). When someone used F**k on you, it is within your control to response back.
- Accepting Responsibility for your own behviour.
Change your mind set by stating I am the agent to make thing posibble, change start from me and be a captain yourself. Do not blame others You.. & He... caused the problems.
- Focus on the Circle of Influence
When people focus on things they can do and influence, they expand their knowledge and experience, and they build TRUSTWORTHINESS. As a result, their circle of influence grows.

2nd Habit: Begin With The End In Mind.
- I can choose my own future and create a vision of it. (With Good Values and Principles; eg No Cheating, Stealing, Conning, Bluffing, Killing, Jealousy, Back Stabbing)
- I will create results mentally before beginning any activity.

3rd Habit: Put First Things First
- Things which matter most should never be at the mercy of things which matter least.
- I will focus on importance instaed of urgency.
- I fulfill my mission by acting on important goals in my key roles.

Stage 1: When practicing the first 3 habits, you can acheived Private Victory, and you can transform yourself from DEPENDENCE to INDEPENDENCE (Refer Maturity Continuum Attached Below)

4th Habit: Think Win ~ Win
- I seek the benefit of others as well as my own.
- I got better results in my relationships by cooperating interdependence than by competing independently.

5th Habit: First To Understand, Then to Be Understood
- I assume I don't fully understand and I need to listen
- If I listen first to understand, then I will be better understood.

6th Habit: Synergize
- I value the differences in others and seek the Third Alternative (accepted by all)
- Working together coorperatively takes time but produces better long term results.

Stage 2; When practicing 4~6 habits, You have gained a PUBLIC VICTORY, and transform from Indenpence to Interdependence !!

7th Habit: Sharpen the Saw
- I will increase my effectiveness through personal renewal in each of the four dimensions of life.(4 dimensions- Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social/Emotional)
- I will continuously improve.

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