Monday, July 30, 2007

[Hong] Dang dang dang dang... Pics of sending off Yee Boy!

Dang dang dang dang... These are the pics taken when we went to KLIA to send Yee Boy off to Queensland.

When me and Ling arrived KLIA, NGs were sitting inside McDonald. What a big crowd.. hehe

Popo finished eating McBreakfast. Rubbing fingers.. ^_^

we said onn gor gor and popo look like twins.. =p

Uncles were saying Nini slimmed down a bit


Newspaper time..

They were excited about the Dim Sum session. The security guard was staring at them.. -_-"

Popo went close to see which is Yee Boy's gf.. lol

Yee Boy was teased by the officer that he has so many gfs and relatives before going into departure hall.. haha

Yee boy's fans have formed a long line

Even his singh's friend.. :D

We went for Dim Sum in Nilai after that

Sunday, July 22, 2007

[Hong]Updates from Mantin~

Hey.. long time didn't update what's happening in Mantin. Perhaps yew yew thought we are having Chinese philosophy class in Mantin on the few posts that recently posted. :P

1. Popo and Er Bak's house has just taken up new house keepers. Dorcus and Dewi has gone back to Indonesia upon completion on their 2 yrs stay in Msia. Er gu, Ling and me took turn to accompany popo and fed doggies, cat and poultry. Soemtimes popo helped to feed the poultry and we are happy to see popo exercised. ^_^

2. Yee boy is flying over to Australia for his flying school in Queensland on Sunday July 29th morning 10am. He is now pretty busy to attend farewell party everyday from his friends, which started 2 weeks ago. haha..

3. Er bak has gone for a 2-week buddha camp in Bangkok since last week. And will stay in Bangkok for another week to see the city inside-out.

4. Tai pak and tai pak meh are busy supervising the renovation of their new house and according to tai pak meh, their doggies have been trained to be very discipline to not cross over to the new house compound. hehe..

5. Onn gor gor has gone to Shen Zhen, China for his first business trip on July 20th for 3 days and coming back on July 22nd.

6. Popo is gaining weight, latest reading is 90kg, which has increased 4kg since we last measured. We'll try to reduce popo's diet if possible.

7. Benny and Yuan2 are preparing for SPM trial, and Joan for PMR for these last few months, we wish them best of luck.

8. Ling Ling attended her very first interview, she was having stomach-ache on that day, according to her she felt fire burning in the stomach. lol. "Ken Ciong" i guess.

9. Popo them plan to go back to Hometown(tong san) in China on November, not sure who will be going yet.

10. I'm applying Master degree in Australia, coincidently in Queensland too. Although the application hasn't had any feedback yet, but Yee Boy has already started to worry. lol..

Of all i could think of.. ;) Take care~

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

<<也说“好,了”>> prepared by Onn GorGor

Author: 御风而行 From: 敏思博客








在一起的时候就应该互相关心、照顾、扶助,但从人性的角度考虑,也不必强求男人或女人做贞夫烈女从一而终。难道说预见了将来的离弃,现在就开始冷漠以对?或者干脆就拒婚拒生, 一了百了?






“好”即是好, “了”却有“了结”“了解”两层含义。我不是活神仙,名利会带来烦恼,家庭也会有烦扰,我了了;然而这两者予我都是不能放下的。看来我辈“槛外人”等,非上上智,无了了心,也只能做个“酒肉穿肠过,佛祖心中留”的未了之人了。


Monday, July 09, 2007

Last Sunday i was at a Ford 4x4 Off Road Trip to Slim River. Here are some pictures to share with y'all.. ;)

Getting ready to go, putting stuff on the car

Car crossing the river

going up hill on rocky road

setting up tent

Tea time - instant noodle

river - our bathroom

26 ford 4x4

i was driving accross the river

all cars lining up for a group photo

Monday, July 02, 2007

不知了了是了了; 若知了了便不了


〔原文〕 "佛只是个了仙,也是个了圣,人了了不知了,不知了了是了了,若知了了便不了."

〔译文〕 佛只是个善于了却俗尘的神仙.也是个善于了却烦恼的圣人.人们虽然聪明,却不知该了却一切烦恼,不知了却万事便是聪明;如果心中还有放下的念头,那便是还未完全了却.

评说: 很多人自以为聪明,却不知道整天被尘世的烦恼和欲望所束缚,放不下许多杂念.期盼着很多事情来临,来临了又生出更多的非分之想,得不到的东西去不断地期盼,能得到的东西也是念念不忘,结果事情未到已烦恼丛生,事情已过心中仍放心不下,如此庸人自扰,岂不是无端增加了心绪的压力和忧烦, 尘世的功名难以摆脱,有些人就躲入山野,希望藉此与世隔绝,以为这样可过着无忧无虑的生活,殊不知,这是以为尘缘了了,其实未了,因为心中仍有欲念未放下.要做到真正的了了,只有连放下的念头也排除,生于世间而不着于世.

[取之] by Ah Hong

Uncle Sam: Share 7 Covey Habits To Improve Your Effectiveness.

Hi All, I would like to share this 7 Covey Habits with you, which have successfully help many people for the past 20 years to become highly effective in their personnal & working life. Below are the habits;

1st Habit: Be Proactive - 3 characteristics
I am responsible for my behavior and choices I make in life.
- I can expand my personal freedom and influence through being proactive.

- Response according to good value.
i. Eg. Reactive people allow outside influences (moods, feeling, circumstances) to control their responses. Spontanous Response Without Thinking. Someone raise his voice, you reacted by scolding back.
ii. But, Proactive people use the margin of freedom to choose according to good values prior responding. (Think First Prior Responding Hastily). When someone used F**k on you, it is within your control to response back.
- Accepting Responsibility for your own behviour.
Change your mind set by stating I am the agent to make thing posibble, change start from me and be a captain yourself. Do not blame others You.. & He... caused the problems.
- Focus on the Circle of Influence
When people focus on things they can do and influence, they expand their knowledge and experience, and they build TRUSTWORTHINESS. As a result, their circle of influence grows.

2nd Habit: Begin With The End In Mind.
- I can choose my own future and create a vision of it. (With Good Values and Principles; eg No Cheating, Stealing, Conning, Bluffing, Killing, Jealousy, Back Stabbing)
- I will create results mentally before beginning any activity.

3rd Habit: Put First Things First
- Things which matter most should never be at the mercy of things which matter least.
- I will focus on importance instaed of urgency.
- I fulfill my mission by acting on important goals in my key roles.

Stage 1: When practicing the first 3 habits, you can acheived Private Victory, and you can transform yourself from DEPENDENCE to INDEPENDENCE (Refer Maturity Continuum Attached Below)

4th Habit: Think Win ~ Win
- I seek the benefit of others as well as my own.
- I got better results in my relationships by cooperating interdependence than by competing independently.

5th Habit: First To Understand, Then to Be Understood
- I assume I don't fully understand and I need to listen
- If I listen first to understand, then I will be better understood.

6th Habit: Synergize
- I value the differences in others and seek the Third Alternative (accepted by all)
- Working together coorperatively takes time but produces better long term results.

Stage 2; When practicing 4~6 habits, You have gained a PUBLIC VICTORY, and transform from Indenpence to Interdependence !!

7th Habit: Sharpen the Saw
- I will increase my effectiveness through personal renewal in each of the four dimensions of life.(4 dimensions- Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social/Emotional)
- I will continuously improve.